UPDATE, MAY 3: With your help and support, GNHCC raised $19,724 in donations, and won an additional $3,000 for having the 4th highest number of unique donors! Given additional matching funds, our total raised was $23,529.99. THANK YOU for helping us reach our goals!
The GNHCC Board gave flowers in thanks to both the new members and returning singers who raised the most dollars and brought in the most donors. Rebecca Tannenbaum (pictured left, returning) and Liz Miranker (new member) won recognition for the most dollars, and Angela Bolt (pictured right, returning) and Heather Jessen (new member) for bringing in the most donors.

GNHCC is once again participating in The Great Give, a 36-hour nationwide non-profit giving event, held on May 1 & May 2, 2019. In New Haven, The Great Give is sponsored by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, which offers a host of prizes and matching funds to participating non-profits, based on both the amount of dollars raised and the number of unique donors giving.

In each of the past few years, GNHCC has raised 30-40% of our annual operating budget during the Great Give, including thousands of dollars of prizes. We appreciate your support of GNHCC in this, our 55th anniversary year, as we strive to continue Building Community One Note at a Time…