Good food – a GNHCC standard – good company and camaraderie, and great fun!
GNHCC members, family and friends gathered at Ben Franklin College on the Yale Campus on Saturday evening, March 16, for a fun — and definitely challenging — evening of trivia.

Teams (5 teams of 7-8 each) were selected at the event – the Whole Notes, Half Notes, Eighth Notes, Sixteenth Notes, and the Bass Clefs. Hosts Rebecca Tannenbaum and her husband, Charles Bailyn, did a superb job emceeing the event. Without a doubt, Rebecca delved deep into the worlds of art, science, music, and geography and came up with some really difficult questions.
The first round was All Things 1963 and (fortunately) all of the teams answered all of the questions correctly (as good and self-respecting GNHCC members should!).
The next three rounds definitely were more challenging, and the last round — a potpourri of questions from the other categories – the most challenging of all.

Do you know…..the number of languages that are spoken in Nigeria? Or, what a group of spiders is called? When the Greater New Haven Community Chorus held its first rehearsal, what was the first song they sang? And from the final round: Czech composer Antonin Dvorak wrote some of his most beloved music while living in what small town in the United States? Each team definitely depended on the knowledge and expertise of its team mates! For a while, it looked like the Whole Notes were going to take top honors. But, suddenly the Sixteenth Notes pulled ahead by one point…then, only one point separated the top three teams…whew!!
Excitement built as Charles read the final standings… fifth place, fourth, third, second… could it be? YESSSSSS, the Bass Clefs pull out a stunning upset!! Guess it’s true what they say….it’s all about the bass!